One-time Healing Sessions
releasing the magic within
Because life happens
releasing the magic within
Because life happens
One-time healing sessions are standalone 70-minute, private pay sessions.
While one never quite knows where a healing session will go, clients typically notice a profound sense of calm, wellbeing and significant movement by the end of the time.
Sessions are most successful with clients who are open and curious, who are no strangers to working on themselves, and who come with a specific issue, event or question that they wish to address – in career, relationships, love and life.
Whether you’re looking to bring a vision into being or to release whatever’s been holding you back, a one-time healing session may be just what your higher self ordered.
“….the best parts of EMDR, meditation and re-storying all rolled into one, with plenty of humor and no emotional upheaval.”
~ Liz G., Executive Coach ~
Ask & Receive®
Applicable for any place that we feel confused or blocked – whether with relationships, finances, love or life – the Ask & Receive process uses muscle testing to get right to the heart of the matter. A series of healing scripts are then employed to transform whatever may be in the way – from our present, our past, from our childhood or even from the womb.
The process is extremely efficient but also gentle at the same time, leaving clients with a new sense of calm, agency and empowerment in just one 75-minute session.
Using the power of words, Logosynthesis enables the resolution of disturbing memories, fears, limiting beliefs and even physical issues such as allergies, altitude sickness and jet-lag. The process contains elements from psychoanalysis, hypnotherapy, EMDR, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and just a little bit of magic to defrost frozen energy patterns from the past and restore the flow of energy to our current time and space.
Tapping (EFT & TFT)
Tapping is another powerful – yet gentle – process for reducing distress, anxiety or unwanted mental imagery.
Jane uses a series of tapping protocols, including the Psychoenergetic Reversal and the Tearless Trauma techniques to bring rapid resolution to whatever ails you.
Alternatively, you can use your time to have Jane teach you the basics of tapping to use for yourself.
All the power of energy psychology with some extra magic!
Akashic Healing explicitly invites in spiritual wisdom and healing energies from your Akashic Record – or Book of Life – allowing greater access to the stories that need healing from this life, from the lives of our ancestors, and, if our worldview allows for it, from our past lives.
Akashic Healing interventions include cord-cutting, higher-self therapy, soul agreement activations, and soul-energy conversations.
Akashic Healing can also be combined with energy psychology techniques to extend our healing – and the healing of our loved ones – across generations, dimensions, planes and times.
One-time healing sessions are $375. New and existing clients can book directly on Jane’s client portal.
One-time healing sessions require the client to come with a specific topic or area of focus for the session that they wish to work on. Where clients do not have a specific focus, Jane will identify a foundational issue to address, such as self-worth or lovability.
Up to six one-time sessions may be booked in a given year. Clients seeking healing for pervasive issues such as childhood trauma should contact Jane about therapeutic coaching instead, which starts with a deep-dive intake, a structured healing plan and regular healing sessions to complete the plan.
One-time healing sessions may also be purchased as a GIFT for a friend or loved one!
Once we receive your order, we will email your recipient to let them know and provide instructions on how to schedule.
Disclaimer: One-time healing sessions are not designed to treat clinical mental health diagnoses and are not to be considered a substitute for therapy. They are also not designed for treating complex trauma. One-time healing sessions are private pay and are not eligible for use with insurance or with FSA or HSA cards.